
Courteney Lowe

I have been going to Pip for the past 3 years for sports massage, when I got introduced to Lymphatic drainage. Pip wanted to see if it would help with recovery and energy levels for my cycling, and I was pretty keen on those results so I gave it a go. Not only was the experience of getting the massage comfortable and enjoyable, the results were awesome. I felt more energized the next day when going out on hard rides and it was as if I was more recovered for the following days training.

Relaxation Massage

A massage will leave you feeling relaxed, chilled out…. In this day and age of high stress from whatever cause (work, health, technology, relationships), it’s important to have solid stress management strategies in place, and a regular relaxation massage can make a real difference.

Touch has been proven to be a key survival need. So this is also a wonderful option for those who live on their own or for whatever reason don’t normally receive regular touch in  their life.

Pip uses a variety of techniques to instill calmness and peace, to the mind and body.


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